Saturday, January 30, 2010

I love negativity

Since my childhood people around me had always liked the positive characters in the movies. I was always fascinated by the negative characters. It's not that I had imbibed negativity or me being malevolent but the kind of pleasure I had derived from those characters was intangible. To produce the kind of stimulation within our brains, which would make us emotional (laugh, fear, etc.) just cannot be expressed in words.

'Frank Costello' played by Jack Nicholson in 'The Departed' was one of the best of its kind. He had played a sadistic boss of the Boston Irish mob. At the dock when Costello hangs up and walks along and sees
Mark Whalberg and his boss Queenan step out; Costello not liking the conversation with them and the kind of smile on his face hiding his anger in turn humiliates them when Queenan says "I will get you, Frank.", Costello reciprocates "If you coulda then you woulda, but I guess you like to go at your own pace." The expression of nuances by Nicholson in this shot would make you laugh.

I watched 'Dana Veera Sura Karna' in its second/third release during late eighties or early nineties. I was never interested in mythological movies (I used to watch Ramayan serial every Sunday in the DD National though) and was forcibly taken to that movie by my dad. I was awe-stricken with NTR's performance in the role of Dhuryodhana. Especially the shot in which Dhuryodhana fights against the duel committee, who refuses Karna for not having a clan and kingdom. NTR was superb, be it his command over Telugu, pronunciation, or cult expressions (I don't know the meaning of many words he uttered though). By the end of the shot, his vibrance made me feel that I was really watching Dhuryodhana.

And many other, Chiranjeevi in 'Idi katha ladu'; Mohan Babu in 'M Dharmaraju M.A.'; Heath Ledger in 'The Dark Knight'; Kevin Spacey in 'Seven'; Amjad Khan in 'Sholay'; Kota in 'Gayam'; etc..

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